Friday, October 1, 2010

Alphabet Project: ABC

Sometimes things tend to come back around. I'm not saying that stuff "happens for a reason," because I'm not that type of person; fate isn't an idea I find comforting in the least. Neo (from The Matrix) said it best: "I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life." Having said that, "coincidences" are still interesting and sometimes worth talking about because they make good stories.

In the first blog post here on Digital Barf I wrote about the Sketch Adventure outing at Chelsea Markets, where "when all was said and done (and drawn) a couple of us got tasty gelato." What I never mentioned was the spectacular business card I picked up at that little gelato stand.

I've been collecting business cards for a while now. Each one has something that intrigues me. Usually it's a good design, clever layout, sweet color scheme, but every now and then I take business cards that are terrible to remind me what not to do. In this instance, that wasn't the case.

The card I picked up had a beautifully designed logo on the front. It feels old school and modern all at once, something I've been trying to understand and learn. The colors are interesting too; I like how the one bold color and one soft color play off each other so well. My favorite aspect of the card is that it's square (I have a thing for squares).

Jessica Hiche, a popular typographer and graphic designer, visited SVA a few months ago and I was lucky enough to be invited to sit in on her talk. As it turns out, she is the designer of the business card I liked so much! Awesome. She told us all about her obsession with typography and about her ongoing project Daily Drop Cap. It works like this:

Each day (or at least each WORK day), a new hand-crafted decorative initial cap will be posted for your enjoyment and for the beautification of blog posts everywhere.

I thought this was a great idea so I started working through the alphabet, doing a letter whenever I could get a chance or felt the urger. Mine aren't nearly as awesome as Jessica's, but we all have to start somewhere.


The rest of the letters:

S, T, and U

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