Friday, December 10, 2010

Alphabet Project: MNO

Greetings, readers. As my grandfather used to often say, "Another day, another way." I think he managed to live up to it, enjoying 9 decades of living and going out for a long walk every day, at least until his body finally stopped him. So here we are, another day, another piece of writing, a few more letters, a story (albeit short); all consumed in the infinite digital membrane we call the internet.

Can you imagine me, sitting at my tiny pockmarked wooden desk, butt snuggling the cold plastic chair? Try to picture it. The internet decomposes intent, what we have left is the residue of human interaction, but no, no interaction. I can't whatsoever picture you, dear reader, as you go through my posts. Perhaps there's no one reading this, thus no "you", or maybe, in that case, the "you" is really me. Where am I going with this? Do I need to go anywhere?

Well, for sanity's sake, I'll go here: Below are the next set of letters in the Alphabet Project. A few nights ago a friend, having read my previous project posts, pointed out that I'm being too hard on myself, too negative, even. I can't say I disagree, but I wonder the merits of such an outlook. In doing so, am I justifying my negativity? Likely. (I just called myself out.)

However, recently I've been digging deeply into the dichotomy of right/wrong, often depicted by the diorama of white/black. We all love hearing clear answers; solutions that say this or that. But why not both and neither, all at the same time? Shades of gray - we've all heard it. Can I beat myself up and prosper? Am I sacrificing myself for myself?

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