Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Alphabet Project: PQR

More letters! As I go through the process of repeatedly attacking the same problem I begin to realize personal tendencies/preferences, such as slight ambiguity and attempted elegance. 

I say slight ambiguity because I'm not really sure how these latest set of letters will be perceived. Is the P obvious? Do you see what I'm going for with the Q? Is the R weighted so that it doesn't look like a swirly-do of line?

I call it attempted elegance because I'm not sure how else to describe it. These last three letters seem like part of a set, perhaps because they're all single color flat black graphics. Stylistically I think they're still unique enough to stand alone on their own; the negative space aspect of the P, the illustrative quality of the Q, the fluidity of the R.

Through the project I end up finding out what I like and don't like as well as what I can and can't do. The latter is important because it reveals my boundaries. Hitting roadblocks in technical skill is frustrating, but phenomenally rewarding. When I can't achieve what I'm trying to do I end up Googling/Experimenting until I figure it out; sometimes I get distracted by a new path that reveals itself and I never look back. I think it's also important to appreciate the unexpected. Some people call them mistakes, others call them surprises.

Thanks for reading.

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