Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Alphabet Project: JKL

"No turning back" is a motto I almost wish I hadn't employed for this project. Preparing to post the letters now, after several months, I find myself wanting to make adjustments and play some more. I explicitly made it a rule not to, so here I am with more work that I find underwhelming.

There's a great lesson to be had here, although a tough one to accept: we will never be satisfied. I guess that's not really a lesson, but an observation. We have to make it into a lesson by taking the time to really think about the implications of such an idea. If I'm never satisfied, how do I know when to move on to the next piece, and how should I feel about wanting to go back to previously "finished" pieces and tampering with them further?

If you think this sounds a lot like the last Alphabet Project post, you're right. I've always believed that knowing the Question is half the battle, but that doesn't make searching for Answers any easier. This is starting to sound like a sermon, so I'll stop at that.

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