Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Discussion by the Lake: A Moment Recreated

I have a bad memory. If you know me personally that's probably an understatement. This week we were challenged to recreate a moment from the summer. I turned to my friends for help since I couldn't remember much. (They're like external hard drives, in a way. Why store memories on my local drive when I can store it on the network? Okay, that's a morbidly modern way to look at the situation, but you get the point.)

After a few beers and a solid reminiscing session I decided that I couldn't decide. Or I defaulted, depending on how you look at it. We had talked about a lot of great moments but none of them were moving me the right way. I needed a memory that I could spend a few hours recreating without wishing I could forget it by the time I was done.

I put off starting the project for a couple of days in hopes that I'd have a eureka moment. That's one of those I-wasn't-thinking-about-it-but-a-great-idea-just-came-to-me things. Luckily, I did. I woke up one morning before my alarm clock went off and had an image of three figures on a bench, each made up of different materials. It was an image of one of the most powerful moments this summer.

The moment was during a camping trip with Jay and Chris. After a hearty day of cooking meal after meal in the woods, stomachs bloated, and with the sun starting to draw long tree shadows across the campsite, we headed over to the lake to sit and talk. We sat on one of those universal wooden park benches right near the edge of the water. It was majestic.

There were two guys were fishing on a boat right in front of us. They moved away after a few minutes, probably out of the awkward way we were forced to stare at them. It was like a weird standoff, the men of the land staring at the men of the sea. It makes me think of Troy and Greece, when the Greek ships were close enough for the soldiers to stare into the eyes of the Trojans but not close enough to get off the ship and attack. A waiting game. Only instead of the fishermen eventually attacking they pulled out their oars and drooped away.

But that has nothing to do with the project. It's all about the bench, three friends, and the differences between who we are and what we do.

From left to right: Jay, me, Chris. During our trip we talked about the different way we each sit. Jay likes to pull one leg up, I usually cross my legs near my ankles, and Chris tends to sit relaxed with one foot out. I didn't put the rest of the bodies because it isn't needed to convey the message.

I made each figure out of materials symbolic to who the person is. Jay is a mechanical engineer, I'm a graphic designer, an Chris is a drummer. Granted the clear tubes don't scream graphic designer (people keep asking me how it relates) so I guess I failed in that sense. I was trying to go for a modern approach; I thought plastic would be a good representation of the modern tool of the computer. I think paper tubes would've been easier to understand and more appropriate. Lesson learned!

The books that make up the bench are by Aldous Huxley (of Brave New World). One is The Island and the other is Point Counter Point. They seem fitting, one about a paradise, one about philosophy and discussion.

So, there you have it. My first venture into symbolic 3D design and photography. See you soon.

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