Monday, October 24, 2011

Alphabet Project Final Poster

Time has run away with me. Remember the Alphabet Project that I started way back, the one where I posted three new letters every month or so? No? Well, I don't blame you; it's my fault. I dropped the ball with only a few letters left. I finished the project on time, but I didn't finish sharing it, and I apologize—will you forgive me? Yes? Ah, things are looking up already.

In short, the Alphabet Project had only one rule: no going back. Once I decided a letter was "finished" and moved on, I didn't allow myself to fix up old work. This forced me to keep moving, although I did take extra long on a couple of letters, especially "U." It took three weeks and I still don't love it. That's okay, though; we can't love everything.

When I put the finishing touches on the poster and stepped back, I didn't like it at all. It looked terrible. At first I couldn't put my finger on the problem; was it simply shitty design (a total possibility)? Eventually, after a few beers and tears, I tried setting all the letters in 3 colors. Solution discovered. (Not to say shitty design doesn't rear it's head anyway...)

Below is the final result. I started nearly a year and a half ago, so, looking back, there are some things I'm not so proud of. Such is life. Without further babblejabber, the alphabet poster:

The Alphabet Project

And yeah, "K" and "L" swapped positions. Don't tell anyone.


  1. Some I love (A , C, G, J & P). Wonder what an entire alphabet in one of those designs would look like. Reminds me of a project by Frank Lloyd Wright where he created the numbers 0-9 using just two curved shapes. Glad you're suffering for your art and not just phoning it in. KJD

  2. Maybe I'd phone it in if I knew the number? Hah. Nah, probably not. I googled FLW's numbers, unfortunately couldn't find them. Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep looking.
