Monday, February 28, 2011


Verizon finally got the iPhone and so did I. Before recently I didn't have a big desire to buy it, but then I heard about Instagram. Basically, it's the Facebook of (amateur) photography. Sort of.

You take pictures, run them through one of several color filters, and upload it to your tumblr-like profile. That's it. Sounds simple (of course the best things always seem to be), but it allows for a lot of freedom. See, while you're having at it, so are the people you follow, and everyone's work appears in the real-time feed, just like on Facebook and Twitter. Some people take pictures of their cats, some of their meals, and so on. Everyone interprets the freedom in their own way.

*Intermission* This is beginning to sound like an advertisement. So enough of that. *End of Intermission*

For me, I like taking pictures of everyday things (including a bunch of light fixtures). There isn't much meaning behind my photos beyond the upfront beauty of the world. Yeah, that sounds sappy and cliche, but it's true. When I'm doing graphic design I try to put meaning behind my work, so that if you sit and spend time looking, you might find something beneath the surface. My photo approach is the opposite.

Discussing this with my friend, it seems that a lot of photography is also based around high concept thinking. I won't go into it too much, but I find it interesting that I try to design one way and shoot the opposite. When I'm taking a pic I look at the environment as if I were going to draw it: what looks interesting? are there any exciting colors? odd shapes? beautiful contrasts? etc. I think I judge the photo possibilities on how much find I'd have drawing instead.

At first I was questioning every photo I took, trying to figure out how it would be interpreted by others (a problem I encounter in design as well), and rejecting many. Now I do my best to answer one question and judge the photo based on that: Do I like it?

Yes? Save.—No? Delete.

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