Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Moving Doodle: 250 Frames of Extra Time

My drawing class is not the one SVA originally placed me in. The teacher I initially had was a cross between Godzilla and Paris Hilton. Truly terrifying. So I found my way into Matt Archambault's class the second week of the semester. What I failed to notice/realize/research before I made the switch is that the class is pretty much all Animation students (I'm graphic design). It turned out to be a really good thing.

Since last September I've learned a lot from my classmates. (Now I know how awesome Disney is for drawing on 1s, what a "walk cycle" is, and that The Lion King was a completely ripped off story.) After being around them for so long and having a little extra time in my visual computing class, I decided to mess around with flash and make a little motion braindump. By no means is this a serious attempt at a coherent animation - it's more like a doodle that sprouted a life of its own. From the looks of it you might think I was on some awesome drugs.

I have no idea what I was thinking. 
I wasn't thinking.

And to my classmates, thank you for broadening my horizons.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed that animation. It reminds me of a dreamlike state where nothing really makes sense but flows nicely from one thought to the other.
