Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Alphabet Project: STU

Snow, lots of it. I had all the time in the world, it seemed, since I couldn't go anywhere or do anything but watch TV and eat. After a few movies and sandwiches I nestled into the couch, laptop in hand, and played with shapes and colors as the snow blew at the sliding doors. The snowdust waves shuffled in and out of sight, intermittently mesmerizing me as I looked up to think.

It's amazing what can be done when there's nothing else to do. As motivated as I try to get myself to hunker down and work, two feet of snow is king compared to my will. A number of times I put the laptop down, stood up, thought about what else I could do, then sat down and kept going. I probably looked pretty silly if someone were looking through the window. That's okay.

So here you go: an S that bloomed from an accident; a T that reminds me of these little water creatures we had in 5th grade science; and a U that makes me say "Yarr."

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